Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lost Season 1

The show LOST has been aired since December 2004. It has spawned three seasons on DVD and currently is airing the fourth successful season on FOX. Lost started as a small drama pilot about a group of airline passengers that crash land on an island in the middle of the Pacific; only to find that each person has their own past that they are not all so eager to share with their fellow island mates. As time continues they discover more interesting challenges and surprises that await them on this, not so ordinary island.

LOST season 1 opens with a devastating plane crash on an island beach somewhere in the Pacific. The lead character Jack, (Matthew Fox) a spinal surgeon by profession, awakes in the jungle slightly off the beach. He is injured but realizes the frailty of the situation requires more immediate attention than his own wounds. He makes his way to the beach where we see a massive wrecked aircraft. Passengers are strewn about the rubble, some obviously dead, some wounded and in need of medical assistance, and many others wondering aimlessly about the beach in shock of the recent events. Jack, along with others (many of whom become the basis of main characters for the seasons to come) help clear as many people they can with the rubble crashing around them. Once the devastation is realized, the group of survivors begin to make sense of what has happened. They start to build shelters and collect supplies from the wreckage, searching for anything that may help them in the possible long stay they face on the island.

Jack, along with a group that has taken some control of the situation, Sayid (Naveen Andrews), Kate (Evangeline Lilly), Locke (Terry O'Quinn), and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) help Jack to establish a medical facility to treat the passengers that are devastatingly hurt from the plane crash. They also set out to search the island for other survivors and for the front of the plane.

Threats are around every corner on the island, from the "monster"... a presence that uproots hundred foot trees and kills everyone it meets, to unfamiliar terrain, as well as the passengers themselves. Several problems arise between passengers and their fellow islanders. They attack each other and try to accuse each other to take out their frustrations. Jack and group are usually the mediators between the group which further pushes their status as leaders of the island.

Through the season, the writers bring us glimpses of each passengers past. Each showing something about their character or lifestyle which has defined their actions and character on the island. They show us how each person has developed into the relationships that have grown while on the island. And while on the island, they develop while interacting with each other, through troubles and triumphs, they learn to change and react to each other and how to learn from each others actions.

Several important plot turns and twists happen throughout the season, they find that there are other people on the island, a scientist who has been there for 16 years, as well as a violent, hostile group that call themselves the OTHERS. Not much is learned about either of these groups besides the fact that they are loners and are not friendly towards outsiders on their island. However, in he middle of Season 1, the Others attack the passengers, taking two of them hostage and leaving one for dead hanging ominously in the jungle vines. The other hostage, the pregnant Clair, is taken for weeks. She finally emerges in the jungle one night, suffering from amnesia and the fear that everyone is trying to harm her and take her baby.
Clairs baby is delivered soon after and seems to be fine. The others leave the passengers alone for the time being and don't seem to take any further action to take Clairs born baby.

However, the scientist Rousseau appears one day on the beach in search of Clair and her baby. She warns Clair that the Others will stop at nothing to take the child for their own, and signaled by a black tower of smoke from the other side of the island. This signal is a sign of imminent attack. The passengers feel they must hide from the attack, turning to Jack and Locke to protect them in their time of crisis. Locke informs Jack that he has unearthed a hatch in the middle of the jungle; a hatch that appears to lead underground but is locked from he inside and so far, has been impenetrable by Locke's efforts.

Rousseau leads Locke, Jack, Kate, and Hurly to the Black Rock... what they think is a deadly point on the island turns out to be a 18th century sailing vessel beached in the middle of the island. Inside, they discover cases of gunpowder which has chemically mixed with the moist air to become nitro glycerin. They use this explosive to breach the hatch just at dusk when the Others are set to attack.

Season 1 ends as Locke and Jack peer into the unknown hatch and the Others attack, not Clair and her baby on the island, but Michael, Jin, Sawyer, and Walt out on the raft they have built to sail off the island to find help. The Others shoot Sawyer, burn the raft and kidnap Walt, taking him on their gasoline powered boat (hinting that they have much better means than they are believed to have).

LOST wasn't originally a show i was interested in. I decided to rent the first disk of season 1 as season 4 started on television. I watched the first episode one night after work and stayed up the entire night to finish the disk. The next day i rented the next two disks and had them done by the next morning. Since then, i have watched through season three and am planning to catch up on season 4 online at
LOST is one of those shows that pulls you in with an interesting plot line and a twisting cast and story. I highly recommend renting the first season and seeing f you can get into LOST's story.


LOST season 1 - Recommended/ Buy It

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rambo (4)

A while back i went to see the new Rambo movie. Actually, it was the opening night, but that's useless knowledge, so back to the movie. Rambo, the final...maybe... chapter for John Rambo is an action packed masterpiece of a film for Stallone and cast. We open the story, Rambo is aboard his small fishing vessel in Thailand, and what used to be the war tempered man seems to have been ravaged by his years of fighting and tamed by a peaceful lifestyle living amongst monks and the local village people. A group of American missionaries on their way to Burma hire Rambo to guide their way down the winding rivers and take them to their destination, deep in the country's war zone. The ride begins shortly after, as they are stopped by river pirates, whom John quickly dispatches of in a classic Rambo fashion; and from this pivotal point, Rambo returns to his old, destructive (and just the way we love him) self.

Quickly through the non- important garble, the missionaries are captured by soldiers in a raid complete with gunfire, grenades, and full force mortar onslaught inside a small village where they are helping the locals with medical supplies and religious council. They are taken to an internment (POW) camp deep inside the jungle. The missionaries are kept inside bamboo cages and forced to watch as one of their own is devoured...

Rambo, unaware of this returns to his village, however, he is visited by a preacher (which seems to be oddly place in the middle of the humid, wet jungle, wearing a wool jacket) who informs him that he has lost contact with the group and fears that they have been captured and possibly tortured or killed by troops.

Rambo, along with a highly skilled team of mercenaries trek into Burma in search of the team. They find the prison camp and plan a route to rescue the hostages and return to the boat. Accompanied by superb training and an exceptional sniper (equipped with a .50 cal rifle), they quickly dispatch of the soldiers and rescue most of the missionaries.

With soldiers hot on their trail, Rambo leads two people into the jungle, showing them their path back to the boat, he leaves them to distract and kill the hunters following their trail. With high powered explosives and some superb tactics he easily leads them into a trap which, surprisingly levels an entire countryside. However, the other team is not as lucky in their escape. They are captured and the mercenaries are tortured, giving the missionaries the opportunity to attack; but in a great show of pure gunfire... Rambo takes control, and the onslaught that is John Rambo is unleashed. Complete with brains, blood, and an incredible amount of guts... the soldiers are mercilessly slaughtered.

Ending in bloodshed and triumph, Rambo (4) leaves audiences with a sense of satisfaction, if you cant get enough death in a movie (a whopping 236 kills throughout the 95 minutes movie). After a life of struggle and hardship, Rambo finally takes a long walk home, bringing a well earned close to his saga.

Rambo (4) - Recomended/ Buy It