300, what appeared to be one of the most promising movies of the year when advertised finally released on March 9th. Following a series of teasers and full length trailers that made a larger than life portrayal of the battle of Thermopylae Pass. With these trailers and occasional TV spots, 300 quickly became one of the most anticipated movies releasing this year.
I left my college class that morning fifteen minutes early in order to get to the theater in time for the movies start time, noon sharp. I got there right at noon and knew i would miss a few previews, which i mind because they give me an idea of what to see next. However, i didn't have to waste time buying a ticket, I'd had one for a week. Walking into the theater i was quite surprised, it was almost full (400+) people, all anticipating a spectacle that would leave us in shock and awe. The lights dimmed and we settled into our seats for the duration of the 115 minute film.
As the movie starts, we follow the life of a Spartan child, from birth selection to child rearing and training in battle. From their training, we follow Leonidas, the heir to the thrown of Sparta and leader of the great Spartan army.
The opening scenes of the movie alone are immensely gratifying. The child, facing his training to become a warrior must survive alone in the wilderness where he faces the harsh climate of the mountain along with the dangers that arise in the dark. With his mastery of fighting skill, we fast forward to his adult reign over the Spartan empire.
Leonidas receives an emecery from the Persian ruler Zerxies who brings warning of a Persian invasion. He brings a solution in order to spare the lives of the Spartan people. However, in the true fashion of the "never surrender" Spartans, Leonidas is reluctant to accept and delivers a message of his own to the "god king".
To this point in the movie, the plot seems to be set, an imminent war between the famed fighting Spartans and the overwhelming numbers of the Persian army.
The Spartans march the the hot gates, where they build a wall of stone and bodies to guide their foes into a narrow pass where they are better able to battle the thousands of soldiers. They fight for days, destroying every obstacle laid before them. The movies special effects play key roles in the battle scenes between these two fighting enemies. The monsters that are brought forth form the Persian bowls are incredible. They are designed for maximum wow effect while still allowing for a great spectacle show.
For each battle, the Spartans dominate the fights, using superior fighting skill and tactics, they destroy the army before them. Not until one of their own betrays them are they forced into submission, so we are led to believe. The great leader of the Spartans Leonidas brings the Persian god king before him and with the last moments of his life, reveals his cloud of deception and trickery. Faced with death or submission, the 300 Spartans fight till their last breath... leaving the audience with their final words, "It was an honor to fight by your side, and it was an honor to live by yours". They 300 are slaughtered at the hands of Persian archers, however, their deaths spark a fire under the Greek nation, uniting them to fight the hoard from their land and off the earth.
300 is one of the best movies for both storyline and for pure graphics and fight scenes. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who is interested in a good movie and an entertaining true story from history... carried to the extreme.
300 - Highly Reccomended/ Buy It
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